Days of December 11-15

Day 11

Day 12 - I didn't take my camera to our neighborhood party.  I've sent a couple of emails to see if I can get a photo of the group that went to include on this page.

Day 13 - This is actually our second time seeing Santa this year.  The kids talked to him for a bit in the mall right after Thanksgiving.  They were a little devious and asked each Santa for a different toy.

I glittered the "merry" using some silver Stickles because the photo covered up part of the word that was printed on the paper.

Day 14

Day 15 - Wrote that "shine on" myself using my Wacom tablet.  Hard to see but the gold star is popped up to give dimension.  #soproudofmyself

1 comment

casinoxo said...
