Ethen's Quote of the Day

I think it's time to start a new series of posts with Ethen's verbal gems. There have been a few that I've not posted and already forgotten.

Today he said, "I want to go on an airplane." Ugh, I don't.

Like usual, eating his dinner is a chore. Tonight at 8:30pm I'm still trying to coax it into him.

Me: Have a bite.
Ethen: Do you want a bite?
Me: No.
Ethen: Is it yucky?
Me: No, it's good. Mommy ate all her food. Now it's Ethen's turn.
Ethen: Do you want a bite?
Me: No. Eat a bite. You can't get out of your chair until you have a bite.

Repeat above conversation 3 times before finally seeing success of one bite.
Now repeat entire process for only 4 bites of food.

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